
Not necessarily console-less, but just put it inside the instrument. That way DLC and new iterations of games are still an option to the consumer.

Top 10,000 =! First 10,000

OMG Midship! Oh the memories.

I saw CoorsLightMexican on PSN on time. LMAO.

Calm down everyone! It's a feature! You want this!

What? No Uncle Sack costume?

More Muse!!! And Anberlin would be nice too, please???

Well they weren't here to begin with so good riddance.

You mean nearly half of the Beatles. Don't forget about Pete Best!

Loved COD4, but this one... just isn't cutting it for me. Is something wrong with me?

OMG That was crazy!

Vigilante 8 for the PS1, Tiger Woods '04 for the PS2, and RB2 for PS3.

I'll check out the EA one. That place is really cool.

Thats what happens when you get into bed with Microsoft. Just like Valve.

Way to play to the audience 2K. My roommate should love this.

Sure it can. It would act like a giant invisible joystick, able to aim and interact with the game.

I bet its like King Midas on the inside.

Just b/c technical fetishes wasn't your reason for getting into the indusrty doesn't mean you can't deal with it once you are in industry. Technology advances, big whoop. What a cry baby. Go have a talk with Insomniac, Naughty Dog, or Guerilla.

@Gelver Aragon: At minimum, play ToD and QfB. If you have more time, play Up Your Arsenal for the PS2. Then go for the other 3 PS2 titles. If you can't, you'll just miss out on some humor and character development. Great, great franchise which will not disappoint! The weapons alone are worth the gameplay.