
Don’t bother them with facts, it will ruin the fantasy buzz.

Which means it's big with pubescent teen girls and aging cat ladies.

No, I said they hated it because they stopped watching it.

I'm a contrarian.

Only if you want to and have no compelling argument to offer.

Personally I see comic book super hero worship reaching maximum density.

My second paragraph was as accurate as the first, although maybe with a little more flair.

I don’t surf UK sites but I can tell you how that meme becomes a narrative in the U.S.

Don't blame yourself.

I’m not a trump fan and I was busy jumping through hoops.

Thank you for being honest. On Io9 that can sometimes get one banned.

It's called ducking.

Ha, on io9.

I am so shocked a commenter on io9 went for the low hanging trump fruit when confronted with facts and reality.

Why don’t you just admit you were looking at her boobs. I will. The best thing about AC was Atwells boobs and swaying hips.

This is hilarious. First, didn’t beat B99 in the ratings, it had a 1.0 while AC had a .8. That means of the 26 million network viewers during that time period AC could only muster 2.8 and barely beat the CW.

Sorry, doesn’t pass the smell test. They would never slow down, never get out of the truck and never give up their guns. All they had to do was barrel through the biker gang, take out Five or six bikes and then only have to deal with the two or so bikers left alive from the back with the bikers trying to shoot from