
Ha! Was just looking for that & forgot the Regis & Kathy part of that.

Agreed - the legs suck but those sure are some nice pins!

I love these type of things.

Ooo really? #2? You going to stick with that?

I won’t argue Trump’s look but I am curious about something:

To be fair, Brits need to have awesome suits to distract you from their janked up teeth!

Ha! I love that about the subreddit!

All true!

Wow - I just love when the butthurt little progressive mind shows its true colors.

“all those news stories”?

I get that typing my few comments would consume most of your unproductive time at your, uh, job(?) but, really, it only took me a few seconds.

U jelly?

Of course! Picking the carcass is always rewarding.

Awwww - still butthurt over all this are we?

Haha. You think a LOT about penises.

To pick at the carcass...

You take me seriously though don’t you...

Luckily, the courts do. And have.

I appreciate the objectivity!

Please point me to examples of “journalism” at these mythical “news sites”.