ehhhh, those who are using Common Core Math are the ones most likely to make a miscalculation...
ehhhh, those who are using Common Core Math are the ones most likely to make a miscalculation...
As Orpheus poited out in his post - the study didn’t impune “fitnes trackers” they found that the single fitness tracker used correlated to the results.
Once again you demonstrate your complete inability to grasp the meaning of the conversation - yet, you comment anyway.
You seem to have a good grasp on your own style but, you keep assigning it to me.
Are you suggesting that private money is involved?
I get it. You don’t have to keep repeating are just accepting what you are told because you like the sound of it.
THAT’s what happened to the Hillary-bot! A head transplant!!
It will probably turn out to be the malfunction Hillary-bot’s original body.
Then why don’t the Chinese invent some Superheros of their OWN that anyone else might give a shit about?
Pish - POSH!
I wonder if you have ever, yourself, taken those arguments apart and looked for the original source material.
You disagree but have no real basis for it?
Meanwhile Hillbot 2.0 is still “short-circuiting”....
I love when ivory tower numbskulls demand sources that they can very well find themselves.
You’re blathering.
I didn’t realize I was dealing with someone who just swallowed whole the narrative that supported his preconceptions....
I agree that sarcasm in written form is hard to detect.
Of course, sarcasm escapes those who are the most pedantic.
Oh I didn’t know you wanted to participate in the discussion Mr. Helper!