Is it possible to use the term “bullying” when talking about two grown men playing football and not sound like a gigantic pussy?
Is it possible to use the term “bullying” when talking about two grown men playing football and not sound like a gigantic pussy?
It’s not a Deadspin article if something isn’t racist.
If not for “killing furriners,” we’d all be German.
You mean the 4-star general that served his country in 3 separate wars?
Looks like someone hasn’t been reading enough Deadspin.
Well, sure, when Deadspin reports every single incidence of it because it fits their narrative.
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a College Gameday sign be rebranded as someone else’s own joke as much as this one is.
Your dad sounds like a fucking idiot.
Pretty obvious that he’s saying “That’s fucking bullshit.”
I think with Jones (and Miller) still on the team, it would be much easier to suspend him and just go with your “backup.”
So do those “good people” have jobs or not?
All Grantland writers will have their contracts honored. The intent is to use the sportswriters on other ESPN platforms.
Center field is spelled the way I just wrote it.
Yeah, showing up on the sideline is a much smaller deal.
Why? Stuart Scott always repped UNC, SVP reps Maryland all the time, and those are two of the best to ever do sports reporting.
Once benches cleared in Game 2, I’d say every game in the series became contentious.
I mean, I don’t think there’s any question that Bautista was trying to be disrespectful here, is there? He straight up stared the pitcher down then threw the bat towards the other team’s dugout.
This isn’t new. They had an entire Pat Tillman day one Sunday, but told Jake Plummer he couldn’t wear the #40 helmet sticker other than for that game. So he wore it anyway and got fined every game.
Not to mention Shamarko Thomas was not down when he recovered Melvin Gordon’s fumble. He got up and scored but they blew it dead on the recovery.
That’s pretty fucking stupid.