
Please cite instance of Harper having a real issue with a teammate... I’ll wait.

I truly hope that happens, save for the crawl. It would be MUCH better if he ran a low 14 second round trip.

Yeah I can’t help but think Harper would have eaten him alive had they been on level ground, so to speak.

Great for LaTroy. I’ll give this notion credence when it’s Werth saying as much.

You know he would have been on first base had the fielder dropped it, right? Let’s say Harper BUSTS IT out of the box, now the ball comes down and hits the field. Where is Harper then? Of course this is just conjecture at this point, but for arguments sake, lets say he is halfway around 1st bag, and he gets in a run

Even though he admitted to being wrong?

It was only a matter of time before this piss stained jockstrap came out with the homophobic retort. Not his fault. Environment and such.

That was beautiful. Single tear. Single star.

Sorry to my American friends, but this...

I’m dizzy from reading that certificate.

On MLB Tonight, urrmm, last night, Pedro Martinez, whom one might call an authority on throwing baseballs agreed that it was not an intentional plunking.


Ed Roth would be ashamed of your notion.

Dinosaur zoos have been shown to work well in movies.

I know, right? Fucking weird.

Well played Tony Soparano drop on Gandolfini’s birthday.

It’s not like Diaz lit up in the octagon...

Pardon my ignorance, I don’t ride. Why would it suck? Appears to me you don’t have to be nearly as far up the bike to get your power if these numbers are to be believed. You would be waiting longer for peak power on an NA bike, no? Being that bikes are probably a much more visceral experience than driving a car,

light-skinned Domincan.