
I don’t own a bike, I don’t ride bikes, so I know nothing. But my friend owns an XB9R and I don’t know what it is, but I get caught up taking it in alllll the time. It’s just bizarre and wonderful. When I read stories like this, I can’t help but become saddened by the ethos of a group whom can’t appreciate something

Ughhhh allocation and constraints were a big issue at that time. Trucks were precious commodities. And we aren’t a full line store either, just Buick GMC. Sierra truly is our life blood.

Believe me, we sold the truck. And made more than $300.00.

Hey, we could have sold him a car. Just know that we pay sales reps a minimum of $200 per deal, that leaves $100 for the business. Awesome deal.

And that’s what we did. As I have mentioned in other replies, I only have so many Sierra’s to sell in a year, which makes up the bulk of our gross profit. I’m not wasting an opportunity to make actual profit for three bills. He was completely unreasonable in the way he entered the dealership and spoke to the employees

But you didn’t answer my question.

Nor any other.

UGHHHH... this bothers me to this day...

I agree with you on much of what you just said. We don’t like to play the back and forth. And we want happy customers, that’s what all of this is about. Unlike the US, where I am we cannot charge over and above MSRP, but it is damn well my job to get as much of MSRP as I can. Another problem that rears it heads with

I’m not a salesman.

No, are you suggesting that the vehicle sat on the lot for all eternity after the gentleman left the dealership? You are given a finite amount of vehicles to create your revenue over a year. If that rolls over the curb at what is for all intents and purposes, a loss, that is one less opportunity for the business to

$300.00 of profit on a unit is not profit at all in the grand scheme of things. Ever heard of overhead? Still have to pay the sales person. Had to pay the detail people. You people are so short sighted.

University business degree from UOIT. Not trying to screw a customer. Trying to remain a profitable business. Perspective, my friend.

On a full size P/U truck? As much as I can. That’s my job. And sure as hell is going to be more than $300.00. Sierra is our money maker. We are not a charity. Bills to pay.

$300 over invoice is not a profit for the dealership. It is profit on that unit, but would be a loss at the end of the day. Do you realize what it costs to just open the door every day for a month? You can’t survive making $300.00 on a Sierra. That’s where we make our money. Had it been almost any other model, it

Can F35’s drift? They must do something.

I also get a kick out of the customers who find out what invoice pricing is on a particular vehicle, then proceed to tell you what your fair profit is. I had a gentleman come in a couple years back, he was young, direct and snobbish. Chest was out, chin was up. He had a plan, and knew he would emerge successful. You

If you like WAR, that’s cool. It serves a purpose, as do all metrics, I just don’t rest on them. No metric is perfect. Defensive metrics I shouldn’t have even brought up as they need such a large sample size to be anywhere near accurate.

I knew catcher was going to be brought up. I played both. I find Short to be the more demanding position. Catcher to be the more physically demanding.

Look at you go!