How right you are. You should be a good Jaloper and star my G8 though!
How right you are. You should be a good Jaloper and star my G8 though!
I know you shamelessly put an LFA there to associate stars with your Ferd... but you leave me no choice... star’d.
Especially lesser rich dudes
I thought this would have been the big boom time for Ford with their new truck. It was my position that there would be many early adopters of these new aluminum trughs, but I have been wrong. Granted, I live in GM country, but there is usually no shortage of F150’s puttering around. I have seen very few new Ferds. My…
Lost my 13mm... I fail at life.
What you are referring to is completely different.
That is not a rebate or incentive. This is a General Motors of Canada example, but nonetheless applicable... GMC Sierra’s have a $3,500 credit right now or “incentive” or “rebate”. That number is removed from the price pre-tax. The vehicle gets sold. Dealer reports the deal to GM and uses the claim code ‘CDT’ when…
That’s not how we operate, I have never heard of such a thing. However, I am in Canada, and have been tied to a single manufacturer for my entire career.
Sure, but he has shown that your government can’t be trusted either.
I thought it was still pretty cool. Lace your target, then catch some rays and pry open a beer on the deck. Sweet.
Ummm, yeah. So? Those rebates and incentives are passed on to the customer, so the dealer is simply being reimbursed for those.
Can you please explain to me how a dealer makes money on rebates and incentives?
I can’t stand it when I know they planned it.
Yeah, I do this. Guess I’m a jerk.
The day I don’t bring a spare pair of pants to work... you post this
Let enjoy the rockers of this beautiful 918.
Figured you HAD to be trolling with such a silly remark relating to the 200.