Well you see, this here is what they call a blog. On this blog, they talk about cars. This video they have shared with us, involves a highly coveted, high priced, high speed... CAR. I know, clear as mud. AMIRITE?
Well you see, this here is what they call a blog. On this blog, they talk about cars. This video they have shared with us, involves a highly coveted, high priced, high speed... CAR. I know, clear as mud. AMIRITE?
Yeah they have it made in the shade. Quite literally, actually. While it may be cold here in the winter AS GOD DAMN WELL MEANT IT TO BE (!), at least we get the sun in the winter as well. Vancouver won’t see the sun for four months in the winter.
Oh I absolutely agree with you 100%. It is ridiculous. I doubt Englishmen refer to themselves as European. I could be wrong...
I guess that should have been implied. No offense to Americans, I hate that Canadians don’t employ a more patriotic state of mind. We should not apologize for being proud of our land or our accomplishments. Probably one of my favorite things about ‘Murica, is how blindly they love their country, and make no apologies…
No, some douche nozzle Canadians do identify as Americans. Usually in a bar setting after one too many bowls of loud mouth soup AND after baiting you into even skimming the topic in some absurd roundabout way. NORTH AMERICA EH THERE, BUD! (I’m Canadian)
Tired of being raped? Call the police. Pussy. -Cardinals fans
I had my first track day ever this year, and I must say I’m absolutely hooked. We had our 3rd Annual Ontario G8 Owner’s Club meet this year, which included three hours of track lapping. Interestingly, my first session out (~15 mins) was my fastest. Part 1 and Part 2 of first session After that, I got so complacent. I…
Depending on your exact location... Jalop threesome?
Must be horribly uncomfortable riding a motorcycle with gonads that size.
NO! Canada never gets credit for anything but poutine, manners and our capabiltity to breed spectacular hockey players.
‘Murica, by Canada.
Maybe. But it’s still horrible. Awful. Horriawful.
You are so right. This was my first car. 1996. Beige. 350ci LT1. Lay-Z-Boy front seats. I dare anyone to tell me I am not master of my paved domain whilst at the helm of this beautiful machine. How I miss her :(.
5 stars to your 0.
Pretty sure that’s a Lambo
“Capable of doing the standing mile in 31 seconds”
I really don’t think that is the solution. Making for a thicker handle won’t prevent anything. bats break throughout the length, not just the handle. Also, making bat handles thicker will make it harder for the batter to control it and keep a grip. If MLB really wanted to prevent this, they would go to bats made of…