Oh, I'm the stupid one because you know better than me what I need to drive. Gotcha. Sorry, people who are so full of themselves like you cannot be made to understand that some people don't want the same thing. You would be one of those that advocate laws for restrictions. So yea, you need punched in the face to…
You must be european or something. These are American cars, and no way is the weight of the car going to rip out the engine or tranny.
oh you wasn't trolling? shit i have nothing then, except deep sadness that humans like you exist. get off my planet. you want to control what cars people can buy then you are an elitist POS. I wonder how many people want to punch you in the face after spending 5 minutes in a room with you. I would be one of them.
I give you 0/10, troll again. loser.
No one in America wants diesel or a stupid wagon except for 5 commenters on jalopnik.
yea how many europeans have even ever SAT in a v8 call let alone drove one. Most Americans have drove a v8. Most europeans have shitboxes pulled by mules.
uhh... not sure whats going on....
That's an Escort, the red car below is a tempo.
yea those are the same reasons everyone calls F40s and diablos ugly, all the stupid scoops, and crap on the rear facia. oh wait......
The small hole in the oil pan was casused by the driveshaft most likely. you can see its disconnected. cant really discount that as the cause either, but the sudden driveline shock could have thrown it, or the shrapel took it out.
when clutches explode they take out the flywheel and the block. notice the starter on the ground with the cable still attached? rods dont throw the starter.
theres a glow and a spark before the expodshun. he was abusing the clutch severely. crankcases dont glow before they explode, but a clutch will.
it was probably the clutch.
Yea? So what? This is somewhat still a free country, but faggots like you are ruining it. You drive a fucking pruis, I'll drive whatever the hell I want.
I own a 97 Expedition, which probably gets way worse mileage than this thing does. around 13 mpg. Mostly city driving. I will use as much gas as I can afford. So that's my Fuck you back.
I had that issue and remember reading that article.