Great post.
Great post.
I think there’s one thing you’ve missed when considering why many women prefer to date taller men...dick size. I’m not saying height and penis size are actually related...but I think some women look at a shorter man and wonder, somewhere in the back of their minds...about the size of his dick. Sort of a subconscious…
Yeah, that’s basically been my experience. I’m not ridiculously shallow and only actually care about half the stuff on that list, but there are guys I’m attracted to and guys I’m not attracted to, and that doesn’t magically change if I go on enough dates with them and try to have sex with them.
—For a man to openly reject a woman because he found her fat would be social suicide.—
Maybe it’s because I’m five foot one
I feel like JESUS would just have everyone over for a potluck cookout. He would be like, “No person shall serve for money. Serve for love~ Come to my 12 hour daily potluck for as long as you like and drink my wine~ Bring what you can~”
This is my problem with some of the people labeling themselves MRAs. Instead of going on the anti-feminist route, why don’t they talk about legitimate issues that affect men, including:
Is there a service like this for Americans wanting to leave America? Asking for a friend....
The “hollywood” comments are a bit over the top guys. This “wow this would be a great movie” and “I hope she escaped safely” are willfully ignoring the realities of what sex slavery is really about.
Also, people should really educate themselves about the horrifically unethical practices that inevitably occur whenever there are moves to “save the children” through placing them with international adoptive families during a massive crisis/disaster situation. And I can just imagine the further abuses and…
Um. Please. No. The last thing we need is a rush of wannabe adoptive parents in the West swooping in to gobble up refugee kids. Children belong with their parents, and if that is not possible then with their extended family, and if that’s also not possible, then they need to be placed within caring homes of people…
Lesson one of gun safety: all guns are always loaded. Even if you unloaded them yourself. Even if you checked. Even if you just saw the thing assembled for the first time in its life. It is loaded.
He’s a Lear and she’s a Lady Macbeth.
It should be noted that this is not two women. One is a child.
Don’t take a job as an executioner then. Don't like the changes to your job? Can't in good conscience do them? Step the fuck down.
In case anyone is wondering: THIS, THIS is why women don’t report rapes.
Well how many football teams of witnesses did we need for Cosby before people even took that remotely serious.
When four people testify in direct contradiction to what Owen Labrie claimed happened, DNA evidence existed and a physical exam came back consistent with rape and he still gets acquited of all the major charges, that shows you just how seriously America takes rape. For rich, white guys that is.
From the AP article: