
I think you missed the point of that design choice. The inability to choose some of the things presented to you is meant to simulate how when you have depression, you often KNOW what you can do to make it better, but depression makes it impossible to actually take those choices. As someone who lives and copes with

The guys at ArenaNet usually do something cool/funny for Guild Wars. This year its old movie sepia tone, all characters have old time pilot goggles and leather caps on. They hold their arms out like an airplane and make requisite airplane sounds. Only issue is that after you realize how awesome that can't

To make a new NPC, you need to concept the character (which can take weeks), then do a high-poly model. And man, do the high-poly models look great; they look perfect, in fact, except for the fact that they actually, uh, won't be anywhere in the game. Because you actually need to make a low-poly model based on the

Now playing

Tsk, I'm disappointed. Nothing of Robbaz's War Corgi?

Capcom and Bandai need to stop this free to play shit. Seriously. It needs to stop. Everyone screamed for MP in DD when it was revealed so why not just give us that. This is going to be ass.

I was hoping that when you called the number, the in-game phone would suddenly ring for a random player, and if the player answers your voice would be piped into his/her game.


I see it now

Okay, seriously. What in the actual fuck, folks?

I teach English at the college level; last year, I was privileged to teach ENG 230, which at my institution is a rotating (through the faculty) course that is generously labeled "Special Topics in Literature."

I taught my course, for two semesters, as "Gaming: Literary

In the beginning of Assassin's Creed 2 when you sneak into Christina's room you have a kissing section with button prompts. If I remember right it tells you to press X/Square to undress and that's the same button to assassinate.

Dog: D0g

Such characters include Falx Carius, a valiant knight from Morrowind who comes back as a confused (and evil) not-quite-zombie in Skyrim expansion Dragonborn, a Dark Brotherhood member named Lucien who appears as an assassin in Oblivion and then—two centuries later—as a spectral ally you can summon in Skyrim, and Jiub,

Which is exactly what we said. In fact, to quote the Kotaku article you're commenting on, "all over Twitter this morning, prominent pundits and game developers are attacking Assembly and Koskivirta, but their ire appears to be misplaced. Assembly's tournament is just a qualifier for the IeSF tournament. They have to

Thinking is for the weak, only unwarranted rage and unimaginative slander will sate the furious hunger of MoronRetardBro.

Really, if you spend a cent on cards or team switch then you're an idiot. You'd be spending an equivalent or higher amount of money on the contest as buying your top 3 games. Assuming you change to the winning team every day until the last day through market purchases at current token value of $3.22 then you're

People care way too much about this shit. Wow.

I know I'll catch flack for this, but: