
yeah, what's wrong with red riding hood that she isn't a princess?  every other female in fairyland is.

he hasnt lost his power, she sat when he said please, and they played it definitely as though she was compelled.  he just lacks imagination or  motivation about using it, otherwise we would have no antagonist left

don't forget the big reveal at the end that Mr Gold knows, except everyone already knew that since this show is subtle as an avalanche

you ought to be writing for this show!  thumbs up!

especially since they take the Disney trappings but then throw in things like ogre wars with child soldiers, or a seemingly innocent Gaston murdered in a casual inconsequential way, or sexpot witches with bed slaves.  This dichotomy does not fly very well

People read recaps for shows they don't watch?

is it a joke that apocalypse now is on both lists?

is it a joke that apocalypse now is on both lists?

that's what i think every time someone complains.  its just reflex nowadays to whine if the graphics don't look like they came from a 200 million dollar blockbuster.  most of the practical effects that came before CGI don't look "real" either.  people forget that effects are supposed to direct us and provide some

and they live in a small town and he never noticed her to have two kids that appeared nine months after they skronked?  i guess we're supposed to put it off to the fact that they aren't really living in the real world, they are living in a hazy ever looping fabricated facade of the real world.

awfully tall dwarves, at that.

agreed on every point

seemed clear enough to me

i thought there was something weird and inappropriate that the "old blind witch"  was some kind of sex worker from a BDSM dungeon.  What would make them go that way?  It's the same with the evil queen always being in paint on leather pants.  you have a show about fairy tale characters, that people probably figure is

Emma explains to the other girl that she lied to the boy, and that the truth is nasty, but she doesn't elaborate.  whoever the father was, she is explicit he was not a good guy

I thought Defying Gravity was brilliant and was sad it was cancelled after one short season

that dialogue made me laugh so hard my eyes teared

kudos on your avatar's shoutout to Colour Crimewave!

kudos on your avatar's shoutout to Colour Crimewave!

makes you wonder what the fence is for at all?  not sturdy enough for bid dinosaurs, smaller dinosaurs could scurry over or dig under, and humans fit through quite conveniently.  it's a pretty big architectural endeavour with no real purpose