Awesome! A victory for humans.
Awesome! A victory for humans.
of course the groomer went right to tik tok. Everyone is so embarrassing.
The daggers are out for the strong woman who dumped the DemoNazis.
Like she didn’t fuck a bunch of people to get famous.
Why do you keep lionizing the worst examples of humanity, in terms of character and actions?
I’m all for taking down people making threats of violence.
How many times was he arrested previously and was he violent ? I heard it was more than 40 times and he had done some pretty bad stuff.. a 12 year ild girl he kidnapped too or something before ?
Bummer. Don’t recall you giving a shit when Rand Paul and his wife were accosted by a Democrat mob in DC and had to be rescued by the Capitol Police.
Another loony chick.
You do know African Americans are eight times more likely to assault a white person than vice versa? You are like so many liberals in that you see certain people as victims and other groups as perpetrators, presumably because you don’t actually bother to look at facts or statistics. You do know that a black man…
He would have to defend someone from a violent drug addicted maniac.
He’s a HERO protecting the other people from that violent asshole.
Yeah women are really fucking oppressed. LOL. Go to an Arab country you privileged felon and see how they do there.
Yeah no they don’t. And every one of those 80% survived the abortionist. So check your privilege.
What a fucking surprise - the Nazi babykillers want to change America so they can kill more babies and make more money.
As opposed to the hate-filled left-wing crazies created by “mainstream” media.
There are approximately 1.7 million black millionaires in the USA..... Most of the black people who fail in this country fail because their PARENTS AND FAMILY fail them. And because they fail themselves. If you are 30years old and, and your sole ambition in life is harassing people on the subway ....well—that is on…
Meh,black people kill twice as many White people as White people kill black people. And don't get me started on black on black murder!!!!
Negros had a value until around 1865 or so, lol. Now not so much.
Really? Because a white man is 12x as likely to be the victim of a black perp than the reverse.