Mods Love Me

Because if they were willing to speak to the authorities, they could’ve gotten an abortion in their state.

Yeah, we should totally give minors abortions without asking the obvious question of “How was this minor impregnated?”

What you meant to say was “two child incest victims’ guardians didn’t want to answer any uncomfortable questions or deal with the authorities, so they had to travel across multiple states to get a no-questions-asked abortion on a minor.

Just do a quick linked in search of the bloggers. They all either went to community college and majored in complete bullshit, or near-ivy league schools and majored in..complete bullshit.

It’s funny that they cry about the Nazi car, a fucking museum piece, when the real Nazis don’t wear flags - they wear Donkey pins.

You sound like a healthy, well adjusted person.

“ CNN had a correspondent examine a model brain” correspondent you mean guy with medical qualifications. Unlike you, you shitty wokester blogger

It’s weird that the article namedrops Korra as an example of “representation done right,” because the Korra/Asami relationship at the end felt completely unearned and out of left field. 

You’re painting with too wide a brush, (aka bigotry) and what you say is demonstrably false.

If Republicans are so fascist, why is the Democrat party exhibiting all the traits of fascism?

Only if they look like Brad Pitt and are 6'5" and rich.  Fuck off twat. 

Spacey is a creepy POS, but 35 year old allegations and victims that have time to live tweet their handjobs from him are not compelling to me.  I can sue all the gay guys that came onto me in teens?  Huh huh, came onto me, huh huh.  Made improper advances. 

“forced birth,” as if you think getting pregnant is a disease you can catch. There are a million different ways to avoid getting pregnant.

She's the absolute worst. If she had any ethics she would be embarrassed to put her name on her posts.

How exactly is removing the federal government from healthcare “removing civil liberties?”

Classie Kylie Cheung. She’s one of the worst writers working today.

Jezebel, just fire Kylie already. The level of dishonesty in the majority of her articles should be unacceptable. Dishonest arguments are a problem for most of your writers, but she is by far the worst one. 

I am a young female graduate student from the state of Iowa. I was very excited to vote for Bernie Sanders in the Iowa caucuses but now I feel foolish for believing I could make a difference.

AOC couldn’t even manage to dunk a donut in to coffee.

Feminists: Why can’t men get in touch with their emotions? Why don’t they get help for their mental health issues? Godamn toxic masculinity!