Mods Love Me

Good. Pay for that shit yourself

Fantastic news!!

I always love when the most vocal “Trust the science”, advocates blissfully ignore science when it doesn’t align with their world views.

This sums up how correct the decision is to drop the coverage, People have made a decision in their lives”. Medicaid should not be able to be used for a decision

I love how the article claims she was wrongfully detained and in the next sentence goes on to say they found drugs in her luggage. DERP!

This is exactly right.  The disappointment is obviously misplaced in this article and only encourages more of this type of behavior along with more distrust of the police.  Remember, the kid was the spark to put all of this in motion...not the police.

Geez! Enough of your unhinged anti-police ramblings.  Who do you call when you need help?  Your mother?

a) Exactly how many men do you think are out there who are both capable of rape and interested in risking 10-15 years for a fat, unattractive dyke? We’re not talking about lesbians writ large, we’re talking about THIS lesbian. Also I’m pretty sure the number of lesbians getting raped by men is infinitesimal.

Interesting self report there with “it’s usually the Republicans that do it!...Please don’t look behind the curtain while we do it.”

I’m deeply confused as to why there is a picture of an obvious lesbian cheering over...Abortion rights? I seriously don’t think it’s much of a concern for her.

The website Twitch should be offensive to everyone.

This entire article is a perfect example of why you never cave to the woke mob.

I’m so sick of Monica Lewinsky, she really needs to go away. “I’m so sick of everyone bringing up my past but let me tell you how I have no responsibility in a situation that I helped create by purposely getting a job because I wanted to sleep with the boss.”    Yeah, I said what I said, Bill was/ is a jerk  but I’m

Technically, reversing Roe vs Wade never took away the right to an abortion. All it did was leave it up to the states and voters to decide.

That bull dyke is stoked!

Turns out championing diversity over making a quality product isn’t the quadrillion dollar windfall Twitter has lead us to believe!

Be as loud as you want.  95% of people don’t give a fuck about you spazoid fucktards. 

This is straight up retarded.

I’m so sick of this narrative. It’s like you watched a total different trial than the rest of us and hasn’t followed this at all. Amber LIED and messed with the evidence which was proved by technical experts.

Well, a biopic directed by its subject is sure to be even-handed and fair!