Mods Love Me

If ‘manipulation’ is the precedent for ‘grooming’ then every woman I’ve ever met has groomed me.

I’d hope a person’s central thought would be: innocent people died.”

lol ok nazi

Based on a simple random sample from the crowd, 100% were hardened criminals.

You wrote a term paper length article on this piece of shit.

Everything that comes outta this rag is so far left and almost always a shit read. This kinda noise is why the left is about to be smashed out in the midterms. Y'all think self-defense is murder, men can have babies, and are constantly judging people by their skin color. That's what fucking cringe. Fuck the Nazis

How can you defend the garbage scumm Kyle shot? Did you see Gaige Grossenshit? He had a gun and tried to kill a teen and admitted it. That POS unfortunately escaped kyles gun

“Innocent people died” no, trash got taken out

I’d hope a person’s central thought would be: innocent people died.

So how many gay superheroes is enough?

“Kyle Rittenhouse was charged with the fatal shooting of two men in August 2020, when he fired at unarmed protestors during civil unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin” That’s not really what actually happened, though. He got chased by Joseph Rosenbaum who tried to take his gun, and he fired on him in a panic to try and stop

What, are the Kinja websites the only ones allowed to capitalize on the trial? 

I mean, this critique would probably have a lot more merit in my opinion if MCU’s answer to Superman wasn’t a woman? With a multitude of diverse women heroes taking up residence in phase 4, (literally nicknamed M-SHE-U), I think this is an unfair observation. It’s just not true. It sounds to me like you just don’t

So what you’re saying is that if a villain is female it’s sexism, because you don’t like the character arc being given to the character. That’s a pretty terrible take that only works by you cherry picking two characters. After all, you can look at other female characters that gain power in both series that aren’t

You’re SOOO brave!

Because it’s particularly detrimental to the health of her unborn child.

Transgender activists sure are an angry, violent bunch.

LOL you guys are a joke. Your media are super woke yet in real-life you are regressing back to middle ages. Maybe you should focus your efforts more on, you know, real life and less on making progressive TV shows.

I keep hearing these takes, and I just don’t get it. Thieves stole shit that wasn’t theirs. When the cops tried to apprehend them so they could be held accountable for their crime, rather than comply with lawful orders, they did some dumb shit that got them shot at. A moving vehicle is 100% a deadly weapon if used in

It’s so easy after the fact to say “Man they were unarmed, those bad bad cops”... If you don’t comply with a policeman ordering you to do something, and you proceed to not show your hands, then the policeman might have to protect him or herself, I have seen multiple of these cop shows from the US, where a suspect can