Mods Love Me

People of color definitely use excessive force with their vehicles.

they had a warrant to look through his phone and they didn’t find any racist ties, you just want a ghost to jump at and you’re spreading misinformation.

yeah as much as Rittenhouse annoys me, i’m tired of people acting like the white boys he killed were these perfect angels and allies of BLM when in reality they were nothing of the sort, one was a convicted sex offender and the other was a domestic abuser, so i’m sorry if me having zero sympathy for them makes me a

None of the three people who got shot were there for the protest. They were all there for the mayhem, as was pointed out at the trial. One might say they were...looking for trouble.

You’re all such victims. 

“Yet Rittenhouse says he supports BLM, despite killing men who were protesting as allies, and that he’s not racist”

Its amazing how insane people are .

Free and innocent Kyle!!!

Um, you know the guys he shot were white, right? 

There’s a lot to unpack here, because Rosenbaum, the primary instigator of the entire incident, is being weirdly lionized as an “ally” when the only things he was seen doing at the protest is setting trash cans / cars on fire, outwardly provoking fights, and calling everyone “niggers” (Rosenbaum is white, there’s

he killed two white devils, shouldn’t you be celebrating their deaths ?

Make up more stuff,  this isn't enough. Keep making stuff up. 

AOC’s clothing was, to her critics, supposedly evidence of hypocrisy and self-promotion, and therefore of her shallowness and insincerity. Sinema’s clothing is supposedly evidence of attention seeking, therefore of shallowness and insincerity. Jezebel’s digging in a different corner of the sty, but there’s no

Except if you actually look into a number of those deaths, you’d find that them being trans had little or nothing to do with their deaths.

This is so flawed. The assertion is that every transgender homicide happens out of bigotry and we have no way of knowing that.

Think about that for one second. 46 murders and it defaults to every single one was because of bigotry. Add to that, no matter the number, it’s always called an epidemic. When it was 18, it

I do not believe those are similar struggles at all. Someone suffering from substance abuse is not the same as wanting to harm a child. I don’t know what to tell you if you can’t see that. I hope you are never around children.