Mods Love Me

Good thing it wasn’t a Lizzo concert.

Using the Nine Dash Line really paid off.

Startiiiiiiing... NOW.

Support for BLMAO is at its lowest since fentanyl Floyd od’d.

Just let the feminists have their self-indulgent movie.

Hotel workers, UPS workers, auto workers, and Hollywood writers. One of these things aren’t necessary for a functional society. Guess which.

I don’t care who this Air Force guy is or whether or not he was underoath. It’s still just somebody’s word. Until I see incontrovertible proof, I’m not buying it. Glad Tom’s having fun tho.

“Safe and effective.”

Are they wrong though? Where has their theory been definitively disproven?

Wait, do you want to abolish the police, or do you want them to do more police work? Which is it?

She thinks her doctor gave her a death threat when he said she was at risk for a heart attack.

Colleges should ONLY accept students on merit. Wealth and race shouldn’t be considering factors.

Support for BLMAO is the lowest it’s been since fentanyl Floyd od’d.

These blueanon conspiracy theories keep getting loonier.

How upsetting this must be for people who expect black men to subscribe to a certain ideology just because of their skin color.

Prove them wrong through your actions.

Disney lost an estimated $900 million on their last 8 movies, and this should keep that trend going. Wonder if they regret not releasing Sound of Freedom while they had the rights to it. They could definitely use a box office winner right now.

99% of police interactions with black people are peaceful. In the incredibly rare occasions where a black person is unjustifiably killed by an officer, they are almost always brought to justice. We’re living in the best case scenario.

Obama authorized 542 drone strikes while in office, killing an estimated 3,797 people, including 324 civilians. Think he mourned any of those deaths?

Pro-lifers have no capacity for reason.