Mods Love Me

According to Hollywood financial analysts, TLM23 would have needed to earn $560 million to be profitible, which it fell short of.

It’s pretty fascinating to see Disney doubling down on their contrived race swapping instead of swallowing their pride and learning from their box office failures. They’d rather sink their whole brand than admit they’re doing something audiences dislike.

It’s a veritable who’s who of C listers!

Meanwhile, UPS workers are set to strike, but we’re barely hearing about it. Even though that will actually, y’know, AFFECT people outside of their industry.

Dozens of replies proving my point. 😂

Liberals reacting to this movie’s success:

As a liberal, I don’t know whether to side with the Jews or the unions. I love both things so much!

They fail to realize that they are not needed. Electricians, plumbers, auto mechanics, etc. are needed. Entertainers are just the court jesters of the world.

6 figures is well beyond a living wage even in LA. They feel entitled to a pay equal to to executives and showrunners.

Sucks for the actors and writers who want to work. I wonder how many wish they weren’t forced into a union.

It means I can finally catch up on my backlog of shows.

What a lovable scamp!

A lot of transplants are about to be moving back to Ohio soon.

The actor who said he’s too good to play a superhero playing Willy Fucking Wonka. LOL

Get ready for several more. They smell blood in the water.

Wrong. Women are helpless victims with no agency whatsoever. Stop with the misogyny.

Remember when Agent Coleslaw got fridged in the first Avengers movie? Oh, that doesn’t count because he’s a male character? Kinda seems like a double standard, but okay.

A movie about Asian women driving? Sounds more like a horror movie than a comedy.

A movie about Asian women driving? Sounds more like a horror movie than a comedy!

You a whole ass mom! How you finna look like a thot at the damn concert? Got dayum!