
I'm so upset this show upped Joe Morton to a regular, while I have nothing against the actor, Papa Pope needs to be six feet under by season's end.

Agreed, I'm still holding out for them to make room for an appearance from her in the finale.

We never forgot Robyn lol, I think we mention her at least once in every Good Wife review. Ily Robyn, we miss you so much.

Season 5 of this show has gotta be, hands down one of the best seasons of television network or cable in history. I was in complete awe throughout that entire season.

Agreed. What would've been cool is if the "Legends" big bad for this season was Grodd seeing as he has made it to Gorilla City. What a disappointment.

Yep, I most definitely cried at the laundry room scene. Just incredible.

I never watched Cougar Town, what was it about and what did they change?

You and me both :(

Oh my god, I bursted out laughing at the cake at the end of The middle, "You had a bunch of frosting so I just frosted over a phone book, nobody eat it." Nancy Donahue is always a treat

The creator of Jane said that if Jane does indeed lose her virginity, the show's title will still be the same but instead have a line across the word "virgin".

I loved how Alicia separated the good looking plates from the so-so ones before she threw those at Eli.

A C???? How dare you LaToya, I think you're still blinded by the disappointing finale of scream queens (even by that shows standards, it was disappointing as hell).

To the third Stray observation of Alfred and Tabitha, yes please. That fight was exhilarating.

This Week in Nora is the Best: "That was the most embarrassing thing I've done for you, and I've done your laundry"

Yo that elevator fight scene, was beautiful

Kayla I'm shocked you didn't even mention Nora in the stray observations. I found her scene to be hilarious. I think we should come up with a new weekly stray observation in "This week in Nora is the best".

She's supposed to be Eli's new love interest.

Oh Kayla, please don't tell me you've never seen Halloween (1978) and didn't pick up that the music playing for Diana as she's walking home and being followed by "nice guy" was a rendition of the infamous "Halloween" score by John Carpenter.

God, that was so ridiculous.

Hahaha, we shall see.