
Pumpkin Spice Oreos, like many other things precluded by the words "pumpkin spice", are quite tasty. The subtle bite of the spices combined is nicely controlled by the vanilla Oreo cookies, which have grown on me over the years. The creme portion is firmer than most Oreo cremes I've encountered, maintaining its disc

Ridley's never gonna be in an official smash game. It's up to the PM team to make him, let's be real.

yo can you get rid of this massive mother 3 spoiler? thanks.

Fuck you, Dark Pit

All I know is gema's my new waifu

Yeah, I tried to avoid spoilers but my friends keep telling me everything they find out, so I just gave up. XD

That makes a lot of sense, but then, why are there so many females in porn? (Not trying to challenge you - I'm legitimately curious, because I didn't know about any of the stuff you'd mentioned before, which is all pretty interesting).

Wait, reeeeaaally? This is hard to swallow. (yeah i sat there for like 15 seconds trying to think of a different way to say that and figured whatever)

Lucina is so beautiful, my heart is soaring! :D

LOL, the assumption that everyone who disagrees with her is in the same camp is so silly. You silly, funny little chipmunk! XD

Keza MacDonald would be perfect for this, you're right. I've been enjoying her writing for years, and she's easily more knowledgeable than I am. That's the kind of person I want doing these vids.

I'm weird, because I don't really care about any of the stuff you enjoyed. Their relationships, their interactions, it's all kinda pointless to me.

That must be pretty fun! None of my league buddies got into the alpha, it's just me and my brother and he's not really into MOBAs.

Yeah, I just really didn't enjoy the experience of killing a guy three times and him being stronger than me. Which is fine, cause it doesn't work that way in League, the MOBA I'm probably gonna continue playing for years haha.

I was excited about Heroes of the Storm, but it actually ended up being extremely disappointing.

I think part of the problem is there aren't too many great characters to choose from when it comes to Metroid. It's a wonderful series and I'd love for it to get a third guy, but I honestly can't say who I'd pick. Maybe one of Samus's friends from Metroid Prime 3? I dunno, that feels a little weird.

It's amazing how people still fall for this. XD

Btw I'm sorry if that made you feel bad, that wasn't what I was trying to do. I was just trying to make a point, but I don't think it was worth making at your expense.

Yeah, I was gonna say, top players pretty much know what deck they're playing against right away.

Did that warlock tap on turn 2? Then it's handlock, and you pretty much know what his entire deck is. Did he throw out some minions? Then it's zoo, and once again you know his whole deck.

it's all about that femshep