
It’s humorous. An Android article comes out, not a single Apple “fanboy” goes and talks shit about it.... An Apple article comes out, and EVERY SINGLE Android “fanboy” goes to talk shit about Apple.

I have to second that statement. WE manage Google Apps here too... We’ll walk in on Monday, everything will be the same, Tuesday, NOTHING is the same and our users and FREAKING OUT.

No, not automatically racist, but your comments make you racist. You are the symbol of a piece of shit person. You are the reason that this country sucks as much as it does right now. You offer no argument or facts to support WHY he is a bad leader, just want to talk shit because you are a fucking ignorant asshole.

How many phones out there still let you put in an SD card? And for $10 a month, I get 1TB of Dropbox storage available at my fingertips.

I work in a fortune 50 company, in IT Security. I can cite that. We looked at Android and iOS for our employees. We decided on the iPhone, because on Android, every single security software we would install to try and lock it down, the independent company we hired to “hack” by it, was successful. The iPhone, they


Exactly this.

There was a woman who actually did that. She copyrighted her boobs in order to take them down, and she had to submit a picture of them to the patient / copyright office to be granted the patient.

Why does everyone hate on games being brown?! It’s hell for fucks sake. What do you want, fucking rainbows and unicorns running around shitting gold?!

Nice has nothing to do with it. Why should the world stop to find someone that didn’t do five minutes worth of research, or even leave a name and number to be contacted at.

Yeah... Equal blame is all both sides and down the middle.

Probably better quality roads then the ones here in this Metropolitan city.

Fact Check. Bush’s Presidential Library cost $250 Million.

That was at least voted on by the public.

May I remind you, sir, since you had to bring the President into this. That Former President George (dumbass) Bush started the war that pissed away BILLIONS of dollars, and his BFF Dick Cheney’s little company, Halliburton, made out like a bandit in the war.

Ocean of mercury is my theory...

Where is the middle finger! Microsoft (I read) is adding it.


