I Did Not Think This Through

No need to apologise, I also strive to use the most sensitive language possible (case in point my original comment). I was getting it from all angles and I think you ended up getting some misplaced anger and upset.

Please explain to me how I’m hijacking other people’s grief? Is my loss, my family’s loss, my Brother’s loss, my experience and my opinion of a lesser value than others? Who decides that? Do you have any idea what kind of upset and pain you’ve given to countless people who don’t neccessarily agree with your

Why wasn’t “sensible” capitalized? Anyway.

I'm with you on this one! This is a joke right? These jumpers can't be real?

Please, I’m not trying to argue with you, dismiss your opinion or feelings.

Thank you. It’s quite obviously and rightly an emotive subject, I would have preferred to have an open discussion about language, terminology etc. I always welcome other points of view and when I discover or am persuaded that I’m wrong in my opinion I will thank the person for it. The nature of this site is that we’re

The death of someone you love is always hard and causes great pain. I found though that when the death is through suicide you can also face questions from other people that are incredibly insensitive and hurtful. Through the support of The Samaritans who use the term ‘dyeing by suicide’ I was able to find some level

You’re being very presumptuous and you're incorrect.

Yes, it was succinct, to the point and written exactly how I wished to convey my opinion. I apologise for not linking to the website. I will do going forward.

With all due respect, I understand and appreciate your opinion on this matter. ‘You people’ is offensive. I have chosen to be offended by this term, I am offended. My Brother did not choose to die, he did not commit suicide. He died by suicide.

Criminals commit crimes. Suicide is not a crime.

Pertaining only to the statement that this won’t be a deterrent to other 12 year olds.

I’m a Mother to a girl and boy, I will never behave like this. I’m a firm believer in parenting not friending. Also, I was the Matron of Honour to my SIL. I planned an entire weekend hopefully balanced nicely between chic (spa day/afternoon tea) and typical hen do (Cabaret show/drag queen). There was 25 women aged

  1. Instantly thought of this.

Is that your goddess energy? I don't know what mine looks like.

A Rocket Scientest? Cool beans!

The last one is my favourite!