I Did Not Think This Through

With all due respect, I understand and appreciate your opinion on this matter. ‘You people’ is offensive. I have chosen to be offended by this term, I am offended. My Brother did not choose to die, he did not commit suicide. He died by suicide.

Criminals commit crimes. Suicide is not a crime.

Pertaining only to the statement that this won’t be a deterrent to other 12 year olds.

I’m a Mother to a girl and boy, I will never behave like this. I’m a firm believer in parenting not friending. Also, I was the Matron of Honour to my SIL. I planned an entire weekend hopefully balanced nicely between chic (spa day/afternoon tea) and typical hen do (Cabaret show/drag queen). There was 25 women aged

  1. Instantly thought of this.

Is that your goddess energy? I don't know what mine looks like.

A Rocket Scientest? Cool beans!

The last one is my favourite!

We have Hipster Policemen as well.

This is all I'm seeing.

Surely by this point you wouldn't touch this with a barge pole.

I thought I was doing the right thing by not giving my children a dummy, they both sucked their fingers instead.

I instantly thought of this.

I love the original and watch it every 6 months but for a while there it ruined The King and I.