
this made both Daft Punk and (somehow) Shia Labeouf worse

This movie taught me that switzerland was a great inventor

I would love love love a remake of A Series of Unfortunate Events, without that piece of shit Jim Carrey and with more of the books' subtle humor and darkness in the wings. Not only would it be a good remake, it could be a way to fix some of the books' more obvious mistakes (and maybe at least slightly foreshadow what

if your answer isn't Fallout 4 then I can't help you.

Yay! Username relevance!

Kid A is fantastic, and pairs perfectly with Amnesiac (although the former is far superior, stylistically they just paint a really cool dark picture together.)

I may be in the extreme minority but I personally preferred Year Zero. I still desperately want the HBO miniseries to happen, it's a brilliant piece of Bush-era satire/sci-fi.

Why am I here and not at home watching this on my screen at my own luxury?



Gonna have to go with The Mars Volta's Amputechture. The color scheme is just strange and off-putting in general. The original artwork (google it!) would have been much better.

snoke weed ereday

Super 8 and Monster House were garbage. Quit romanticizing those times.

why yes i would like fries with that

For the heavier side of things, this year Mastodon released their most forgettable album yet.