identity and difference

“His adoration for Guevara is unquestioning, and without irony he accuses young people of disliking Che because they’re not willing to kill others for their own liberation. There’s no self reflection or sense that Anderson understands the number of young people who are putting their own lives in danger for new

Vince Staples’ streak of songs that the internet assures me are the cutting edge of rap technology that I can’t get 30 seconds into continues unabated. I truly haven’t a clue what any of you see in him. I’m starting to think his whole career is an elaborate scam being played on me personally.

I agree, after seeing/reading a couple interviews with him, he is a grade A douche canoe.

He’s one of those guys that important people in Hollywood decided would be a star and no matter the results, they’ll keep trying to make it happen (also see: Sam Worthington, Liam Helmsworth and (of course) Shia The Beef).

Well this thread will likely have the least amount of comments kinja will have today, so that is kind of telling. His music is not as far reaching as others, despite it being some of my most admired as far as eclectic musical stylings go. I maybe have one friend I can forward this article to who will give a damn.

It is a stunning album, and possible contender for best R&B album of the decade, and I agree that it got swept under a rug.

You're definitely an asshole 

Daughters don’t want you to like them. Or, perhaps more accurately, they don’t care if you like them.

Johnny Depp has a big teenage following in 2018? I have no way of confirming or refuting your statement because I don’t actively know any teenagers, but it seems incorrect.

Why does this article exist?

I’m not sure how the editors missed it but, in regards to the film poster, the word “Apostle” appears to be spelled with a cruciform symbol in place of the letter “T”. It’s one of those bone-headed mistakes we all make but wow, imagine the chagrin if that got out.

a symbol of imperial rule

It’s actually a pretty well thought out statement/response he provided. The headline makes it out to be something it isn’t

Used to be able to hunt megafauna in central Europe around the LGM. In today’s climate, simply not possible. 

I ask the question because I legitimately believe the answers to it isn’t settled, not because I am a conspiracy theorist or right-wing troll. We are supposed to be constantly reexamining our assumptions, not hunkering down in a fortress made of them. I don’t actually have a fixed opinion about whether violent movies

And yet all those “violent video games/movies” lovers are enabler for a large part of gun owners and culture of violence in general.

This whole Twitter thread of horror authors talking to each other is great, but these two in particular are appropriate:

Really hoping you are Cardi’s shoe that she walked out with, and not the one that was collected as evidence.

If you’re looking for the nuanced discussion of whether Hollywood’s glorification of gun violence conflicts at all with the professed political opinions of most people who work there, you will find it buried under 20 tons of Fox News-brand bad faith arguments, and a light dusting of the AV Club’s patented ignoring the