so you can buy 4 map packs at once for 50 bucks or 4 map packs separately for 60. simple math really....
so you can buy 4 map packs at once for 50 bucks or 4 map packs separately for 60. simple math really....
It lends a much better directional sense to arrow keys. Your method would have you scratching your head wondering which way is up unless you were completely trained to know which was is up, down, etc...
this is bringing the IP back to its original arcade style roots I love it!!!!!
My 11 month old loves that jump thing, but it never fails everytime he falls asleep still bouncing, and if you put on bob marley - three little birds its over. He almost jumps right out of it.
I actually just bought a 24inch samsung full hd monitor for my xbox. My girlfriend plays too so I let her use the 40" tv and ive been playing call of duty on the monitor. Its great. I used to think the 40 inch was perfect but what ive come to realize is its too big. my eyes are always darting around the screen to…
See I just dont get the complaints about this. Its really very easy to find. GO into game section, choose game type and then it shows you arcade, on demand, indie, and then xbox originals. Its not rocket science
Its not so much about hate for me as it is we as consumers also play a part in justifying what is ok for companies to do. They know if they pump out a map pack and charge 15 dollars for it sub par or not we still jump at it. Why? Because we like variety, because we feel passionate about their product and quite…
give it time. in this economy it will be deader than disco
i used my 12 week old son. it did not turn out to bad. kinda freaky though
there will always be someone complaining about something if its not camping its running around knifing. the bottom line is everyone plays differently. everyone has their own style of play. just like in the real world. you think all the soldiers just run and gun like rambo? its quite the opposite. everyone camps…
@furiku: simple answer internet has gotten cheaper over the years. the media outlets we can use internet for have grown (blu ray players, game consoles, streaming devices, home phone services, etc...) it used to be you could connect it to your pc and that is it. its used in more households than ever.
i cant wait to get off work!!!! #halowaypoint
@Spoony Bard: limited edition they are only making a set amount... its just for the holiday season. im sure next year they will do another promo 360. or with the natal...