Ideals Not Identity

It’s funny how their slavish devotion to supporting the current Commander-in-Chief, and the idea that not doing so was tantamount to treason, wasn’t a thing from 1/20/09 through 1/20/17.

Sorry to hear that your family members are faux-jingoistic cult members. 

This...even with W, one could say some of these were nice people if just very misguided. THIS asshole, though...if you support him, you’re an awful person, full stop.

Well, to us anyway. His supporters of course still think their inhuman abhorrent policies are just “different views”.

It’s fair. Supporting Trump has long since ceased to be a political question and more of a moral one.

There seem to be a lot of chickenhawks that vociferously support Trump, don’t there? Perhaps they see something in his bullying, boastful behaviour that they recognise in themselves.

I’m going to go out on a limb here. I’m not a psychologist, and I don’t play one on TV, but I have a couple of ideas.

Fortunately, veterans like myself and current service members picked up on this character trait relatively early and Donald Trump is not popular with the military. Unfortunately our patriotic conservative family members have decided we suck for not actually loving (Trump) America and accuse us of being naive idiots

China doesn’t have a communist or socialist economy. And even if they did, it’s a fallacy to say we have to choose between America’s system and China’s.

My argument (whose point apparently flew way over your head, and as many others pointed out) was primarily that blaming only anti-nuclear efforts is a fucking inane statement, when there’s an entire complex ecosystem of blame to pass around, and especially when there’s far more blame to be placed on the fossil fuel

Nuclear isn’t really a good option. Not due to science, but due to our government and capitalism. Look at all the fires, explosions, spills, pollution, etc that happen today with oil, natural gas, coal, mines, etc. Why? Shitty regulations and unbridled greed. You really think nuclear wouldn’t make this kind of stuff

In fairness you’re right. Most of the houses, if not all, appeared to be 70s era maybe even pre-pipeline. 

“On a long enough timespan” is key.

Big gaping hole full of Russia?

Temperatures in Russia averaged 7.2 to 12.4 degrees Fahrenheit (6 to 8 degrees Celsius) above normal this winter,

I was fifteen when we had the first Earth Day in the 1960s. I distributed some literature which I also read and which led me to read a bunch of other stuff about pending climate change. I decided around then not to have children..and boy am I glad I didn’t. By now I’d have grandchildren inheriting this shit.

Oh, I get it. And personally I’m all for micro-reactors littered across the globe/cities.

Congrats, that’s the point! See also: China, India... 60% of the other countries on the planet.

“...only goes to show that humans aren’t learning...