“Ribeye Catholic”? The interwebs and even Urban Dictionary couldn’t help me with this one. What’s that mean?
“Ribeye Catholic”? The interwebs and even Urban Dictionary couldn’t help me with this one. What’s that mean?
I am hearing this sentiment reported elsewhere too. He’s not religious but he’s appointing people into courts and other key positions that promote evangelical agendas. Ironically, the religious folks are making a deal with the devil.
Hollywood has to take at least some responsibility here. They’re the ones who still worked with him after his conviction and gave him an Oscar. And a standing ovation at said Oscar. This is exactly the kind of thing that the bigots like to see. Hollywood giving infinite chances to their own no matter what they do.…
Where do they think the New Testament originated?
To think that they have convinced themselves that THIS MAN is working towards Jesus’s mission is truly, TRULY, the biggest fucking hypocrisy I can imagine.
It’s almost like you’re saying these people want to cherry-pick parts of the Bible for their own personal gain. That attaining or retaining some measure of power and influence is more important to them than a shared belief in a common deity and the rewards of an afterlife? But, but... that would be unholy.…
I listened to an NPR story this morning on Evangelicals explaining why they were supporting Trump. You should have heard how they were struggling to explain it in simple terms without going full-on racist and homophobic.
So basically, every lie or shortcoming of Trump, your half brother admitted he was OK with. Which basically means he doesn’t give a shit what Trump does so long as he... what? Stays Trump?
“we don’t have a say in who carries God’s message”
I’m so glad he’s lived long enough to see his legacy fall to ash. I hope it burns.
Polanski is always a reminder to me that the notion that Western European countries are more enlightened than America is one that requires a very selective definition of the word.
When I saw that W. Bush-era documentary Jesus camp, where the kids are quite literally prostrating themselves in front of a picture of W, I was horrified. I had to explain to my atheist BF how anti-biblical that was--they are literally bowing down to graven images.
I fucking hate that shit. Yes, many of us are Christians—what kind of Christian are you? What denomination? You don’t get to be the default Christian, especially since y’all are Johnny come latelys when it comes to Christianity. So fucking obnoxious.
...What is there even to say to people like him?
Catholics aren't considered Christians by Evangelicals. Biden being Catholic is just another reason to hate him.
What hubris, thinking they know God's will.
Serial sexual predators have no shame and a sense of entitlement. These are the two of the (many) anti-social traits that enable and embolden them to be sexual predators in the first place. Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Jeffrey Epstein, Woody Allan, Bill O’Rielly, R Kelly et al. When confronted they all double down…
“It means nothing to him,” Braun said. “It’s the idea he’s being thrown out without any due process.”
Pretty much sums up his base, there.
Is there a reason whenever her husband gets mentioned, it’s always followed by “Mossimo of the Target Mossimos”. Like is it joke, meme, whatever? Is there context I’m missing here? Or does everyone want to make sure it’s known that Mossimo is of the Target Mossimos?