Ideals Not Identity

Let’s be blunt, Ashley: the DNC picked Biden (or rather, Anyone But Bernie) because they know he’ll be an easy win for Trump. The DNC is a-ok with 4 more years; they have good healthcare coverage.

It's like the DNC supporters stick their fingers in their ears and say "lalalla i can't hear youuuu" when you point out that most of sanders' supporters were doing so because of his POLICIES.

Hopefully, if nothing else, this sham of a primary has made clear to the suffering women & youth - the 99%ers - of this country that there IS NO “legal” or “democratic” path to political power in the USA for left-wing populists.

Progressive idealist here: i think you make an excellent point about the certainty with which many of us progressives (Sanders supporters included) sometimes conduct ourselves. I agree, it can (& often is) off-putting to less-politically-educated people; it’s a real problem in trying to bring people around to a

Very well said. IDK how your comment is “in the Greys;” it should be featured at the top of of the comment section.

Well said. Ashley Reece should un-grey you💯

Well said.

Thoughtful - and very necessary - piece.

Just gotta warn ya (because care about you ladies’ paychecks): remember what happened to Splinter for being “too pro-Bernie.”

Also, just because i care about you ladies’ paychecks: remember what happened to Splinter for being “too pro-Bernie.”

“I don’t want to get this into a back and forth in terms of our politics.”

Best wishes to you, always appreciate your mature commentary on this increasingly immature forum.  

It's not Sanders' fault that Biden doesn't have any answers for those questions beyond "I'm not Trump," man...

How ‘bout you tell the centrists to quit demonizing us, then telling us to simply fall in line (while offering up no progressive policies), if you want us to "stay in the game?"

”berned” is a Republican plant here to sow division between leftist Dems & moderate Dems.

You'd rather have four more years of Trump than reach out to Sanders supporters?  LMAO


hey what’s probably a white republican troll posing as an AA just to sow the seed of dissent/discord, just fyi

The problem is that you’re writing for the wrong readers; this website is predominantly frequented by centrist Republicans and faux progressives.

How DARE you point anything out that undermines these fragile people’s sacred notion of American exceptionalism!