
You’re going down now, retard.

Continue the meltdown, please!


The larger the textblock, the higher the satisfaction. More please!

Never stop. Let the hate flow through you.

The meltdown continues.

Keep fighting, bud.

That’s actually a picture of you, Lord Dog Masturbator XVII. Feel free to take a break from commenting and get back to your favorite creamy canine goodness.

Fuck off, retard.

Cool textblock. Not sure what it said but FIGHT! FIGHT EVERY LAST ONE, INTERNET CRUSADER.

This is amazing. Keep fighting. Don’t stop! FIGHT THEM ALL!

Some people just can’t help themselves. They think they’re the Neo of the internet, fighting off a nearly infinite number of Mr. Smiths. They must reply to every. single. one. It’s kinda sad, but also kind of entertaining.

Full. Blown. Internet. Meltdown.

I just super-scrolled down to the bottom of this thread and you are putting an INCREDIBLE amount of energy into this bizarre internet fight. You should really find something else to channel your energy into.