Idaho Potato

No, the problem is entirely the intent. “Retarded” actually started a nice way of calling a child slow. It was the accepted, polite term for many years. It is the way that it became used as an insult that was the problem. If you keep changing the word, then the new word will always become offensive if used as an

There is big difference between indirectly causing someone to commit suicide because you left them and literally encouraging someone to kill themselves and you know that. The situation is not remotely comparable. Just because this is Jezebel doesn’t mean you have to twist this into a men vs women thing.

I’ve always found it odd how domestic violence is good, honest fun when the perpetrator is female and the victim is male.

That is not saying you are “wrong.” I was just offering a different perspective. Everything is not black and white, particularly when talking about litigation tactics. I’m sorry you got upset over someone trying to have a reasonable discussion with you.

Which part of my statement said you were wrong?

Yes, this is very exciting to a lot of people.

No, no, no. What you’re describing is NOT an adult relationship. It sounds more like a relationship between an adult and a child, or two children. If they were adults, money, time management, and life balance would be things already considered. Wasting time on a video game is akin to wasting time shopping, wasting

If your life has devolved into having to be told “no” because you can’t balance your life then you don’t have a wife - you have a mother.

“BAWS wants to nail Triss”

Does that really matter though? Maybe everyone wants to nail Triss, doesn’t mean you should though. He’s taking the better part of wisdom on this one, and given his description of this girl, he’s fucking right on the mark.

Or double checking location on the wall to see how low he has to dig to get it back there...

This is just another reason why, even if he still doesn’t lead the league in points, Crosby is the best player in the NHL.

Blackburn is calling you out for bad reporting:

^LOL... where and how does that sound like a “holier than thou statement?” What I got from his/her comment is that they don’t want to buy the game because they feel that they will be out skilled/played. I think you are attempting to create more than what is actually there.

I’m not quite sure what makes his comment “holier-than-thou.” All he said is that he won’t be buying it. He didn’t say anything about looking down on anyone who does, or were you just trying to meet the “holier-than-thou” quota of 2 for the comments section (4 if you count me).

Thank you for this, these guys are reaching for anything to have a hot take on.