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    Why? What problem is solved with this?

    @Skiiz: I love radio, wish they would include AM as a standard. It assures free content, and is a legit national security issue.

    It is mainly the glasses. My Eyes!

    @triplecheeseburger: It is reasonable to say the two are comparable. They will directly compete to deliver content to televisions. Apple's via iTunes, probably paid apps, Hulu, etc.

    What a load of crap.

    @michael: Tesla was a great inventor, no doubt, but he was always exaggerating, talking a great game, then not backing it up.

    The classic moment for me was the FIFA shlepp referring to the "different rhythm" of Africa in his defense of what he evidently perceives is an ancient, and cherished traditional instrument.

    @mangonights: I like the oil colored sea, the dingy, dirty tones.

    @NickFoote: err. ..Tesla never made a death ray.

    @BorisTheBlade: That is what makes the world turn, I suppose. This is the most inspiring thing I have come across in some time.

    @Gary_7vn: It is insane. A glass phone?

    @FrankenPC: Finally, scientifically demonstrated provable proof that reading HuffPo is enstupidating.

    @TuxBobble: It does appear it was not tested. Stuff happens, but...

    @skt.smth: When the HDMi first hit, I was in the Big Box store, saw a young man, with wife and child, looking fearful at purchasing the expensive Plasma. I hovered, listening.

    @NVJar: In that spirit, I just crafted a guitar cable so I could plug her right into the wall.

    @id8: Rethinking this, the objective may simply be to sell out to MS,