Anyone have any price info on these?
@James Marino: Does it charge via USB?
@electricarchie: one continuous shot, so would assume massive hard drive
@chefgon: easy difficult?
@adkitchen: They'd probably just remove it in a firmware update.
@junior ghoul: by biological warfare do you mean the fact that europeans brought diseases over by accident?
Yay my tip got posted!
For those who have dual monitors:
Anyone else having issues getting this to work with flash 10.1?
Anyone else having issues getting this to work with flash 10.1?
@Nitesh Singh: Boxing would be so much more painful
Does this still allow me to play online with friends?
@USBhack: I thought I had read somewhere that this was illegal o.O
@Alfisted: Except better, because its not Uwe Boll.
@Cookie: I got it for Christmas last year _<
@Torley: []