
It looks like a sanitized version of Wrigleyville now. Team offices are in a 5 story building adjacent to the park with a team store and a high end “Starbbucks Reserve” on the ground floor, across the street where many drunken fans over the years scarfed down big macs there is a now a luxury boutique hotel and some

No, no, I see it.

Coming from an establishment centrist democrat like Pelosi it wasn’t quite as surprising (but still outrageous). Coming from Bernie (a supposedly progressive independent) it was damn disappointing. The Overton window has shifted so far to the right in the past couple of decades that this country has basically become

As I said to Arnheim in my follow up: if women don’t have bodily autonomy, then we don’t live in a free country. If dems don’t stand for that, then they will continue to give ground to republicans as they chip away at that right. That’s enabling fascism (which might as well be borderline fascist).

“Obama was never going to enact radical change to help the people who most need it, and they were stupid to expect him to” is not a take that defends Obama and establishment Democrats. 

But regardless of what anyone expected off him, he failed the most vulnerable. Isn’t that a substantially more important point than calling them stupid for thinking he would bring hope and change like the copyright-violating posters promised?

Clinton is unpopular. Her policies are unpopular. Her neoliberal ideology is unpopular. She would’ve been, at best and most gracious, more of the same pitiful Democrat control as we continue to slowly slide into oblivion, because Democrats are not real opponents to Republicans.