
Obama didn’t even have to promise half of that in 2008 and he won handily across the same largely-white, upper Midwest and Rust Belt states that Trump won. Considering you just admitted white racial resentment has always been a winner, you’ve got me confused.

Few other people here may think this, but I think this bit is pretty funny.

I’ll give you this, you are definitely the most self-assured person posting here today.

Families still live in the neighborhood and they’re as much a driver of change in Lakeview as the Ricketts are. Lakeview and Boystown as a whole has lost its grungy charm because people with families and, more significantly, money have moved in.

It’s funny to see Bernie supporters condemned as purists because really, he was a flawed, compromise candidate. His outreach to black voters sucked, his willingness to bend on abortion sucked, his unwillingness to discontinue drone warfare sucked, etc. He is, however, the only person resembling a New Deal Democrat so

Agreed. I disliked it when both Bernie and Pelosi said it.

What’s interesting about your point is you’re making a very good case in your comments here for non-participation in elections because nothing will happen. The President’s job is not to help people; it’s foolish to expect candidates to improve your life; meaningful improvements will be derailed by personal attacks.

Are you sure?

Okay. Find me a state that practices the core tenets of capitalism that has not, at some point, attempted to consolidate power away from the many and into the hands of the few.

I’m sorry, but this a cop out. “People fuck it up every time” can be applied to any ideology, is not a meaningful insight, and is ultimately an excuse for inaction.

I like how you think those two statements don’t contradict.

Do you remember what Republicans said about Obama in 2008 and 2012? Hell, do you remember what the Clinton campaign said about him?

“Purity test” is more than strategy, it’s having an actual ideology. The one thing Arnheim complete left out of that post is any discussion of ideas whatsoever. Winning and losing is about product positioning, not the product itself and people mucking it up by discussing the product are the problem.

So the people who got an insurance plan they can’t afford instead of a public option (or single payer) or watched Obama bail out banks instead of homeowners (which crippled their wealth but enriched the wealthy) deserve a stick up their ass because they expected him to actually help them more than he did?

So would you classify Pelosi as a borderline fascist? (For the record, I think the left shouldn’t cave on abortion either.)

Have you ever asked people who oppose “socialism” what it actually is?