That was a great read
That was a great read
That, based on the rear overhang, is a bus. I’m sorry i have no further suggestions to add on fixing the rear overhang, but HOLY CRAP.
The comments on this one should be good.
This is not the wildest porsche ever built.
Congrats on the GV80. My G70 is the same exact way. Glad i bought when i did.
Probably installing an auto-filter that searched Jalopnik comments for “top 10 ______” answers to auto-fill into a slideshow for next week’s news. Oh wait!
I don’t know what’s up with the “Instagram filter” on half the pictures.
Great written article. I liked this one.
Ok, they bought 20% of a company, which operates other companies, one of which does this bad shit. So they’re involved directly in torture? What? Stretch.
even worse with added “slideshow” format!
Underrated comment. I personally think this slideshow is the best.
He committed insurance fraud multiple times for thousands of dollars. I don’t care if you’re screwing over a shitty company like Comcast, felony fraud is felony fraud. Right or wrong?
You really think the configuration of the screen in the press pics is the ONLY configuration? You think there’s no possible way that screen could show nav on left hand side and music on the right? That sure would solve your argument, and be pretty convenient, wouldn’t it.
“With the G replaced by the slightly better Q50"....
Why is it so.....UGLY????
This does compete with the Macan/Stelvio. What? Is this not a luxury midsize SUV?
More broadly speaking, I hope all of this makes engineers really think about it the next time they want to put every bell and whistle in a new car. Hopefully, it will still be their decision.
We have strayed so far from the down-to-earth shit from FH1-FH3.