Neutral: Tesla fanboys in 3...2...1 “Tesla has great value! I have no educated reason to believe this, but, those investors are completely wrong!”
The sheer amount of people using the restroom on flights, especially short flights, really baffles me. It’s a constant revolving door. There are restrooms in the airport people!
I like the simplicity and has a bit of a retro Atari feel, looks good IMHO.
I’m simply arguing that- ignoring your HOA, like one of the bloggers for this website suggests, actually has consequences and it doesnt take “funds” to enforce. Come at me, I work property titles. ok, for real, im signing off for the night no idea why I’m arguing on the internet.
also signing that rider is part of the law, you cannot close on your property unless you sign it. damn adulting is hard isn’t it?
essentially don’t live in an HOA managed community if you are going to ignore their rules because it does have consequences? right. that’s good advice and exactly the opposite of what you initially said. anyways I’m being pedantic I’ll sign off for the day.
terrible advice. essentially a lien is taken out against your property. if you ever try to sell your house all fees you didn’t pay or ignored will have to be paid before you can sell. Also, the HOA is legally capable of taking your house from you if you do ignore them, which actually happens. Here in TX, if your…
1. you are being redundant when you say loaded and chambered, loaded means one in the chamber. Also for all of you libtards commenting-an unloaded gun is just an expensive rock. I’ve been pulled over once while being a chl carrier and after telling the sheriff (I live in rural central texas) the gun type, location,…
this. plus the advancement of battery tech since this was released. I hope GM is looking at it.
This is awesome. Reminds me of a direct-drive open-bow ski boat...but with a twist to the prop location. good stuff as usual torch.
Community? That is how you think it works? hahahahahahahaha! it’s every county in the entire state. Please, keep commenting so that you continue to prove my point.
No, actually, that is exactly how it does not work here in Texas. County assess taxes each year. The amount of ignorance in this comment section is exactly what I meant from my comment above.
1. People are short-sighted and don’t understand how $$$ works
Oakley’s (yes, the sunglasses) ads during the 80s looked identical to Volvo ads and also spoke loudly about safety. same agency I wonder? or just a ripoff?
I’ll stay in the greys forever for this comment plus my comment on one of your past articles, but here goes.... if women can compete they will get a seat (see force and patrick). your article is just trying to drum up issues where there are not any to be had. now, maybe, this series is so women can compete…
ok. I’m on the fence here. pretty sure all this pandering to different demographics is most of the issue. on one hand society and it’s venues of entertainment should focus less on age/race/sex (ie “black road trip for black people”?? I’m interested in cars but such a hard slant alienates me, similar to how this…
You are catching a lot of flak for what you said, but besides a small assumption, you have been spot on with $$ advice. Vin gave you a nice reply, but besides him, leave it to the internet (read neckbeards) to throw up their arms. You probably have more in your (hopefully multiple) savings accounts/investments, then…
sigh. this is true. But the market is there. look at how big NASCAR was becoming entering this century. Things got watered down and it’s less interesting now, similar to f1. The racing series that figures out what 2017 USA wants will take off faster than mma has in the last 10 years.