
Closest thing to a "Cool" van right now is the Mazda 5, which I actually kind of like. The only downside is it isn't really customizable. It really should sell better than it has. Maybe the Y kiddies would like it better if it was hybrid or diesel (better if both)

This is Gawker media. Merely owning a firearm turns the blame on the OP.

Can't find it on the map. Maybe it's one of those minor suburbs.

The BYD Mercedes knockoff would have been a lot more convincing if they hadn't insisted on tiny 15" wheels.

is this the end of the Class-C motorhome? I don't see these European variants getting much attention here. Maybe they'll at least get better gas mileage.

only Chinese companies win these lawsuits.

This deserves an NSFW tag and should not show up as the top article when pulling up giz. What would the boss think?

I remember this movie, but half of the scenes in the preview I don't recognize.

So it can't be reused? Is it at least biodegradable?


But Avatar was in 3D!

While this will be nowhere near as bad as Katrina, everyone down here is having flashbacks. I wonder if New Orleans will hog the spotlight again after a couple waves hit their shoddy levies?

Pack up and move someplace they can't collect. China, maybe.

I see you know your horses too

thin blue line tag

I used to leave my phone on vibrate all the time. Then I started getting phantom vibrations in my leg - even when the phone was not in my pocket.

Last year my cousin died unexpectedly. It was a shock to everyone. I tried to visit his facebook page to read his friends posts dedicated to him, only to find that he had unfriended me sometime recently. We hadn't fought and I hardly post. I'll never really know what I did to offend him.

My Koss CD MP3 Player.

Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there... With a shopvac!

I'm watching all 4 videos so NOBODY WINS.