Can I get it in a 1-series coupe? Please?
Can I get it in a 1-series coupe? Please?
Mashed White Potatos are not healthy. They are empty carbs with little to no nutritional value. Gravy just makes it worse.
My mother runs what I tell her to run. The problem is when my siblings come to visit and she lets them use her computer. They install all kinds of crapware and toolbars, delete programs I've installed, and disabled security software. Every time I'd have to clean up the mess they left in their wake.
My dad is the same way.
I'm constantly irritated by all of the Toyota placement in Bones.
am I alone in thinking a robot should look like a robot?
My Gas station job wasn't so terrible, except for the drive-offs. People would scream at you if you made them pay first but if you did turn on the pump you'd have at least one drive-off a day.
Where do you stand on gun control / second amendment?
I dislike email for conversations that can become heated. They are admissible in court...
The day my company makes me assemble IKEA servers is the day I quit system administration
Jeep Death Wobble is real, and dangerous. Everyone I know with a TJ has had issues with the track bars coming loose and pitman arm ovaling. Now the JK owners are complaining of the same...
Tis true. America is the only place where thieves are too lazy to learn to steal a proper car.
I am sure this thread is full of comments complaining about the comment system, but my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome keeps me from clicking on all the icons to read them.
I don't let the kid eat or drink in the car. Thats why my car has no stains and his mom's car is covered in stains. Strangely, he has vomited in her car numerous times and never in mine.
Do you bother carrying bolt cutters or lock pick set? Which tools do you use?
I would use public transit if we actually had it. In Jackson we only have the bus, which only visits every 30-45 minutes, takes over an hour to make its route, and requires multiple exchanges to get from one side of town to another. The stops are too far apart, they don't allow bicycles, and they shut down after…
I wear a watch because it is easier to flip my wrist than it is to fish the Droid out of my pocket or from between the seats.