
I actually had one of these! I got a parking pass by claiming it as a Toyota Truck. It fits in normal parking spaces about as well as a full-size dually. When the roommate gets annoying you just go spend the night outside.

I see all of you people offering up your suggestions of crazy AWESOME vehicles, and I weep for you. So few of you will know the beauty of owning a vehicle that is crazy TERRIBLE. Do not pity me, because I buy them knowing full well what I have done, and I enjoy it more so.

Even that is a stretch. I find it ridiculous that these companies are bragging on their patchy 4G when they haven't even finished deploying 3G everywhere.

Half of the country? Still looks like a handfull of major cities. Put it on a map and it'll look like somebody dropped a box of Chicklets on the carpet.

Looks like a standard cellular repeater to me. Not big or finned enough to be a full microcell.

guess I'll have to go back to pirating them, then.

Pontiac G8 GXP

isn't it?

Needs more wagon.

Jeep painted Wranglers purple.

I used to use a similar trick back when professors in college demanded assignments be turned in by midnight. All you had to do was (before the prof woke up) disconnect the network cable, set back the clock on the computer, bang out the email and hit send, and reconnect the cable. They never caught on.

poor lil tink tink

I have been known to swing my doors wide open just to honor their efforts.

NOT an asshat.


It was funny. Lets be honest though, this was a show not a real prayer.


damn you nibbles

1977 Ford Pinto from Cujo.

I'm not sure, but I believe that the devices will be designed for modular radios, possibly with antennae integrated into the modules. I know that the smaller carriers are all buying phones with eachothers channels designed in in the hopes that it will reduce manufacturing costs and increase their roaming footprint.