Jeep Wrangler.
Jeep Wrangler.
Does it burst into flames at random intervals? Otherwise crack-pipe.
Are the white stigs getting it on, or reproducing asexually?
I always tell places I'm there on a business trip, a conference trip, or job training as the location allows. This has landed me as much as 20% discounts.
LOL, I got an ad for the Droid when I clicked play
Back in '95 just before we traded it in my mother had an '89 Aerostar. One day she drove home from Wal-Mart and walked around to the back of the van to unload and realized that the van was longer than she remembered. Her van was the short-wheel-base version, and she had driven home in a long-wheel-base Aerostar. …
He's dead:
Hmm. Can I buy a puppy from a vending machine? I like puppies.
Its purple
@alan505: but high mileage examples are dirt cheap. The AMC 360 has a habit of losing oil pressure at idle, but GM engines are easy swaps. The A727 transmission is bulletproof and the Dana 44 axles are so solid the CJ owners steal them for upgrades.
@Pessimippopotamus: Seconded
@Dirt Pirate: Indians
So, does lopping off 2 doors and making it considerably less "practical" make this Porsche crossover less of a travesty?
@Drujon: Cus its awesome and should always be on your mind.
@eatadonut: Easy there cowboy. I love my Wagoneer, but I had to buy the Wrangler to get the ladies to go home with me. Just sayin...