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Dear Ms. Punch,
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Actually, he didn't fight off the wolves. They ended up eating his ass. And he is an amazing actor, by the way. His performances still hold more credibility than the average Pacino or DeNiro role in our time.
Actually, he didn't fight off the wolves. They ended up eating his ass. And he is an amazing actor, by the way. His performances still hold more credibility than the average Pacino or DeNiro role in our time.
Are they gonna find an actor that was as hideously ugly as Richard Boone? That guy looked like someone put a fire out on his face with an icepick.
Are they gonna find an actor that was as hideously ugly as Richard Boone? That guy looked like someone put a fire out on his face with an icepick.
Your fake enthusiasm for my off the cuff rhetoric is awesome. I hope your diseased cunt falls out and lands in your mom's lentil soup- that would be SO clever.
Your fake enthusiasm for my off the cuff rhetoric is awesome. I hope your diseased cunt falls out and lands in your mom's lentil soup- that would be SO clever.
I noticed that Crappleby's or Shenanigans or one of those places has an ad for their Bacon-BBQ-Southern Style Moose Turd Riblets Combo Bargain or whatever that has some obviously Sweet Home Alabama-esque fake muzak going on in the background of the ad. I don't know what that means, but it makes me sad.
I noticed that Crappleby's or Shenanigans or one of those places has an ad for their Bacon-BBQ-Southern Style Moose Turd Riblets Combo Bargain or whatever that has some obviously Sweet Home Alabama-esque fake muzak going on in the background of the ad. I don't know what that means, but it makes me sad.
Okay- so when I think Illinois I think Chicago- 'cause I'm a dumb hick from the Smokies. But after a look at a map ( yeah so I ain't a fucking genius) Cave-in-Rock is fairly southern- almost in Kentucky or Tenn really. I still stand behind the gist of what I said. The South in general IS villified as a backwards…
Okay- so when I think Illinois I think Chicago- 'cause I'm a dumb hick from the Smokies. But after a look at a map ( yeah so I ain't a fucking genius) Cave-in-Rock is fairly southern- almost in Kentucky or Tenn really. I still stand behind the gist of what I said. The South in general IS villified as a backwards…
I think most folks have some sense of regional pride- that is human nature. I dislike the south being portrayed as a backward shithole full of inbred retards. No other part of America is so consistently portrayed as a swamp of stupid racists that live in trailer parks like the south. I will admit that there is some…
I think most folks have some sense of regional pride- that is human nature. I dislike the south being portrayed as a backward shithole full of inbred retards. No other part of America is so consistently portrayed as a swamp of stupid racists that live in trailer parks like the south. I will admit that there is some…
No shit- talk about dirty white trash- FLA takes the cake- The shitty, off-brand snack cake.
No shit- talk about dirty white trash- FLA takes the cake- The shitty, off-brand snack cake.
NC has a large hispanic population- every single store, from quick stops to grocery stores have tons of Juaritos, as well as all kinds of tasty latin snack treats. There are these real thick potato chips that are like hot bbq- they will melt your fucking face off- they are awesome.
NC has a large hispanic population- every single store, from quick stops to grocery stores have tons of Juaritos, as well as all kinds of tasty latin snack treats. There are these real thick potato chips that are like hot bbq- they will melt your fucking face off- they are awesome.
Illinois is NOT the South. It is not Southern. I'll give you rural and country and conservative, but the (capital S) South it ain't. The South is not just a bunch of Jesus sycophants who live in trailers and hate (insert racial/sexual/national epithet). There are regular people with normal lives that live in the…
Illinois is NOT the South. It is not Southern. I'll give you rural and country and conservative, but the (capital S) South it ain't. The South is not just a bunch of Jesus sycophants who live in trailers and hate (insert racial/sexual/national epithet). There are regular people with normal lives that live in the…
I think Sean O'Neal has been reading Sight and Sound- not only for the best movie poll stuff (that issue has not been delivered to my house yet- actually I just got the August issue), but that very obscure Marina Abramovic reference. You see, there was an article in S&S about a movie about Abramovic…..oh fuck…