
On the commentary for "The Ward", Carpenter says more than once that doing some movie making chores now is "just too much work" and that he is "getting too old to work that hard."  I fear that the idea that he will bust out with some great late life masterpiece is not going to become a reality.  Thankfully, we are

why do all the avclubbers love that peice of shit eternal sunshine movie??  it sucks beyond sucky.   and Matthew Mc will always be stone awesome to me for his role in REIGN OF FIRE!!!  the best shitty dragon vs military apocolypse movie ever

I remember watching this douchebucket snort blow off of an amp while recording with whiskeytown years ago in Raleigh.  He was always the passed out asshole who threw up on somebody's couch at the "late night" everyone went to after the bars closed.  All of his songs sound like the theme song to "Welcome Back Kotter". 

glad he was able to take time out from ass raping children to make a movie.

well shit- none of that is even remotely tolerable…

Hachi anyone?
That scene at the end when Joan Allen sees old old Hachi still at the train station years later waiting for Gere to show up- but he ain't ever gonna. I cried and rewound it and cried again.

i told you Sean was funny
"Pretty sure Errol Morris said that."
Had to laugh- watched two morris docs this weekend

yo haters- Skylar is hot- love the horseface- but she kinda fucked it up w/ the plasic surgery shit

on the contrary Sean
I always read what you write because you are fucking funny…

regardless, it looks fairly cool- by the way, if you read the book Sean you would know that the story IS bookended by ERB talking about his uncle John Carter's mysterious disappearance- and re-appearance back on earth at the end of the story. He goes on at the begining of the novel to talk about what a

Roger Ebert?
Come on- I gave up on Ebert when he panned BLUE VELVET as somehow evil and mean to everyone involved. He is a populist asshole, and his opinion is tainted forever by his inability to see BLUE VELVET for what it is- a true american masterpiece.

holy shit
that is one ugly cunt- she looks like a burlap sack full of cake batter and broken cinderblocks…and thats just her face

I knew Marion Morrison
and sir, you are NO Marion Morrison.

hey Sean
its a colt and a winchester rifle- thats mainly why its so cool- you know he has to swing his rifle around on a big lever loop to rechamber each round- for movie hipsters you guys sure make a lot of mistakes…

no actually Alec Baldwin played the Alec Baldwin role…

he say you bhrade runna
what about Blade Runner? I know i know the narration wasn't supposed to be there and it was a sucky afterthought and alll that and it isn't in the "ultimate director's vision of perfectosity" cut but…i saw the movie at the theater with my Dad (i was 15, dad was 48) and if it hadn't been for

Look- I haven't even heard the damn thing yet but Jesus' shit on a wheat thin you are a little too pissed. And the RZA, Raekwon, (& wutang in general) and Q-tip will be remembered and listened to long after all the popular rappers now are ODd, jailed or murdered.

blue velvet
I went to Wilmington, NC and found the apt building where Dorothy Valens apt was- then I had nervous sex with my girlfriend in the outside stairwell where Jeffrey sees Frank and says the line "Frank is on his way up in the 'well-dressed man' disguise!"
A weird and appropriate visit to Blue Velvet Land.