
The name Hamilton is a racist slur against people not from Hamilton.  Change your name you fucking racist piece of shit.

They thought putting whales in bikinis and muslims in burkinis would sell the swimsuit issue.  Get Woke - Go Broke. 

As opposed the Clinton who has quietly gone away after losing 2016...

You ain’t doing shit but posting your pussy thoughts on the internet.  Good job fuckboy.

You call for revolution, you call for violence.  You call for attacking your enemies in the street.  Attacking them in restaurants and other public areas.  And you have the fucking gall to worry about the other side taking you serious and fighting back.  Fuck you Hammy boy.  Your side started this shit.  The other

Then why go there?  Oh, right.  Liberals talk a big game but are more homophobic and anti gay than conservatives.   It was literally the first thing you thought of.  Normal people don’t do that. 

God’s taking him out to save the USA.

Trans people aren’t mentally unstable, they just kill themselves in much higher proportion than normal people!!!!

Your cold dark heart being pissy about this makes me smile.  Thanks for that.

Lucky for him he had this happen in the USA. 

In a normal world where you need evidence of crimes for charges and not just “He is a mean white man”  You are pathetic Rafi. 

Go about your day as usual and don’t listen to retards and people who want to control your life.

Go fuck yourself you racist piece of shit.  Enjoy the ghetto.  You’re too dumb to ever get out.

Keep supporting the terrorists and their enablers who murdered 3000 people you dumb fuck. 

Imagine caring about women’s field hockey if you weren’t playing or the parent of a player.  What’s next Deadspin?  An exciting recap of women’s cross country skiing? 

Science is wrong when it goes against your views huh Allison?  Stop being an anti-science neanderthal.

It that dude in the picture wants to wrestle, he should wrestle other men.

Ah NFL players never fail in being racists pricks. 

You know what’s really strange and odd?  Men cutting their dicks off and thinking that makes them a woman.  Must be why so many of them kill themselves.  Don’t be a statistic Mr. Theisen.  Get help now before you really harm yourself.

Wow, I’m shocked the racists at The Root are cheering for the racists in South Africa.  Like sticks with like.  Fuck off all you racist pieces of shit.  Better yet, move there and live with all your racist buddies.