
Holy fuck you turned into a babbling pussy. Go back to your coma, you had better insights then.

Did you know that Donald Trump and Charles Manson are both Americans and live in the same country???  It’s all getting clear!!!

He’s a thirsty virtue signalling piece of shit desperate for the approval of people who have no morals. Whatever pays the bills, but I’d have more of a spine if I were him.

Should have stayed in that coma fuckwit.  You used to be relevant and funny.  Now you are just a pathetic leftist thirsty for approval of worse people.  Grow a pair.

Stop being an anti-semite ISIS supporter and you won’t be called filth.  Fair?

Depends on the state.

You know you guys don’t actually have to support the brother marrying immigration fraud committing ISIS supporter right?  It’s ok to call crazy people crazy and not support them just because they have a D beside their political affiliation.

Nothing offends a liberal more than one of their ‘pet minorities’ goes off the reservation. 

Good luck peddling your racist shit when Gizmodo Media gets sold off for pieces.  How much did your racist postings cost the company this month? 

I hope your little GMG flair keeps your company from losing hundreds of millions of dollars this year.  Unlike in years past. 

Another ‘feminist ally’ proves creepy rapist.  You’d think people would get the hint eventually.

News flash, most white Americans don’t have the same starting point either.  You gonna give Lebron some reparations too?

R/Thathappened is on reddit.  try there.

Fuck off.  Indians waged genocidal wars against their neighbors for centuries.  The White man showed up and ended all that once and for all.  Not guilty and not going to feel guilty for being the descendant of the most successful civilization in history.

Nice of you to show how retarded you are.

No one alive today in America (save some Middle Eastern and African immigrants) has ever owned slaves.  No African American has ever been a slave.  Fuck off and get a job you lazy fucks.

Gee no one saw through this bullshit from the start.  Except everyone not buying the Root’s bullshit.

Who knew consequences for breaking the law would still apply to rich and famous rappers? 

Christ Drew. Take about 60% off the cry baby shit. You’re just recovering from some unknown ailment.  This whiny bitterness isn’t going to help.  Not a good look either.  Though it probably plays well with the democrat voting readership who cry like pussies every time they don’t get their way.  

Go fist your ‘wife’ cunt.  Show me actual proof this ‘attack’ wasn’t yet another manufactured ‘hate crime’ and not a cry for help.