I hope every single person who is happy about this bankrupts over medical bills and I hope it’s because of their children. I hope they have to decide whether to save their child or their house. I mean it.
I hope every single person who is happy about this bankrupts over medical bills and I hope it’s because of their children. I hope they have to decide whether to save their child or their house. I mean it.
What’s up with all of the middle of the night shenanigans?!
Sure no problem. Birth control coverage will be totally gone and the cost of birth control will go up by around 760%.
“If you ain’t rich, you don’t deserve to be alive,” - The Republican viewpoint.
It is entirely heartless and sociopathic. They are literally signing death warrants. I don’t know how you can so removed from reality that you think getting rid of people’s health insurance is a good idea.
I’m so fucking angry. My parents were finally able to afford healthcare for the first time since we lost our house during the housing crisis. ACA obviously has problems, but the solution has never been snatching away healthcare from people who desparately need it.
Did you take ten seconds to use The Google?
And she was actually interviewed! looool so weird how easy it is to get attention in this blog-centric world.
I remember when Rep. Paul Ryan mentioned that Rage Against the Machine is what he listens to when he’s getting pumped up before a big debate or speech.
I’m white enough to applaud when sizzling fajitas come to the table, but I agree with every part of this.
Somehow a man impersonating a politician being serenaded by a man impersonating a musician seems so perfect!
Really? He seems absolutely fine in this exchange. You can tell pretty early on that he got the crazy vibe from her crazy texts, so he backed off and was just hoking. He was never disrespectful and didn’t ghost her. He. . . seems fine?
He lost interest for whatever reason. I don’t think he was rude in this exchange. It isn’t like he called her bad names or sent unwanted pornographic images. It does suck to get rejected for whatever reason.
Don’t start none won’t be none, lady. Let this be a lesson.
“But observing that fact, even understanding it, doesn’t necessarily engender empathy. In fact, quite the contrary.”
Ummm no. Not really.