

Per the people of tumblr:

if so, he just threw her wallet back at her.

I feel bad that OBJ was dragged into all of Lena Dunham’s unnecessary drama. He really seems like a sweet dude who just wants to live his life and enjoy his Instagram.

Maybe if the reporters used flash cards of a marshmallow, a child or dog that would help jog his memory.

I hate them both so much that I can't find words appropriate for it. They're...everything wrong with feminism. Everything all rolled up in to two shitty white girls. And they continue to spew this senseless and harmful bullshit and be embraced for their edginess. I don't care if they are so chill that they wanna laugh

Maybe he saw her grinding up against a guy — who wasn’t into it — and thought, nah, I don’t want to be your prop tonight. I know I wouldn’t.

i’d like to offer that when Lena was new, she was new. and the longer she has been a public figure, the more you see how she doesn’t change.

This is such a gross and weird projection on Dunham’s part - as if a black man not looking at her with lust immediately means he doesn’t see her as feminine or female. Like, what the fuck is that?

I strongly suspect that if someone asks Odell Beckham about this, he is not going to have the slightest clue what they’re on about.

*outlet. Might want a new outfit too. Women in tuxes are fine but deliberately looking terrible stopped being edgy 20 years ago.

Oh look the queens of oblivious-white-girl racism-is-the-joke-get-it comedy said some oblivious shit.

I love how Dunham thinks a person who is clearly disinterested in her is somehow still obsessively thinking about her. How in the fuck does her brain work?

Can we please stop giving an outfit to the narcissistic creep that is Lena Dunham? She’s as funny and talented as a dead parrot. The internal monologue she tried to foist on OBJ was about as funny an account of the civil war and only mildly less racist. My god, does it even occur to her that everyone is not always

Is Lena Dunam free right now? The projector in the conference room when out, and we have a meeting in an hour.

“The vibe was very much like, ‘Do I want to fuck it? Is it wearing a … yep, it’s wearing a tuxedo. I’m going to go back to my cell phone.’”

I mean, perhaps this dude was looking at her thinking, “How rude of her to be looking at her cellphone during a fancy event!” Or maybe he was just staring into space in her general direction.

Due to the paywall, I was prevented from reading the whole interview. Which means everything Lena Dunham does should be behind a paywall.