
Jesus. Hector. Christ. I hope someone proposes during her stupid fucking wedding. I hope everyone who’s not the bride wears white just to spite her. I hope her maid of honor gives a really mean, passive-aggressive speech. I hope her aunt gets too drunk and hits on the groom, and he goes for it.

The correct response here is that the people in Big Bang Theory aren't what most geeks are like. They're what your grandma thinks what most geeks are like. Whatever "geek culture" may be, learning about it from Big Bang Theory is like learning about military culture from Call of Duty, or learning about forensic

He condemned what needs condemning

I'm sorry but this #stopgamergate2014 has to end. You continue to mention it, gamergate will continue. I don't see what you gain for continuing to mention it.

Did you ever stop to think that he may have not said gamergame because he doesn't commit the fallacy of conflating harrasment and gamergate

Then you don't own the best console of the generation. Fix that.

Shit developers develop shit game for sensationalist following from blogs like Kotaku. Shit developer proceeds to get recognition frommedia outlets because some shitheads confused punk anti-establishment and hipster irony as "kewl". All it amounts to is the inevitable gamer gate article sidebar link in the future

Most other places are just laughing at how hard this game is trying to be edgy.

Christopher Masterson of Malcolm in the Middle, brother of Danny Masterson from That 70's Show.

While I have no issue with the article, don't think that something's uncommon just because it isn't widely reported. That's a really silly assumption to make, especially for someone in your position.

These mods have been around since the sims 1, 14 years ago. I don't think there is need to talk about it in the 4th game in the series when it's happened everytime, no.

b..but... some of those costumes aren't terrible?

Mechanically, the game can be fiddly and annoying at times. The pathways feel pointlessly labyrinthine and the collision detection is finicky. But emotionally, it's meaningful and resonant. Despite itself, Spirits of Spring manages to be a beautiful game about surviving horrible things.

I simply hate playing into this witch hunt against sexy ladies in games. Why is it so wrong?

Reminds me of an incident in my second year of teaching. I had a Grade self-contained 3,4,5 special education class for kids with "Language impairment" (criteria was average of above average intelligence, but 5 percentile or lower on the language portion of the WISC).

Anyways, I had the 4's and 5's at the carpet for

That was a step too far. But Baby Nevergonnagiveyouup is hilarious and so is Baby Poundsandinyourass. Conceptually this is funny, and since it's just a god-damn bot and not even a person I think it's a bad example to question our own ethics over. If you want to write about the nature of dogpiling in general, or the

Explain how starting a website to invent names for aborted fetuses is or leads to intelligent discourse and I might consider that it's bad to troll this shit. Forced-birthers are trolls. Maybe not all of them, but a lot of them and there the ones who come up with this bullshit, who come up with billboards that declare

Toriyama is a gag/comedy writer at heart as is Dragon Ball itself which is why GT attempted to bring it back. The recent specials are what would've actually happened if he didn't have hard ass editors that he hated, basically its the Buu sagax1006 or a lighter Neko Majin Z.

@Robert Porter: Wait, you understand lap dances but not hostess bars?